The worst of it is her fan base are 10-15 and probably don’t even realise that their family get some sort of gov benefit because they’re too young to understand it.
Mia makes up an insult that has apparently been said to her and all of her fans will assume “Well mias not on benefits she’s at home with her mum and she works on yOuTuBe” because they think benefits means;
- council house you don’t pay rent for
- Home bills all paid for you
- free childcare (btw Mia you get this one
- random hand outs of loads of money to spend. (Even those who do receive a monetary benefit like universal credit, it’s is barely enough to scrape by on, and if you have rent to pay it literally is not enough to live by)
- you’re too lazy to have a job to pay for yourself
When actually the number of people claiming Universal credit has roughly doubled since March and Young people (under25) make up a large portion of that. Nobody would chose to live off
less than £500 a month when they know if they were in work they could easily make double that or