Man With A Hammer

They're all really thin skinned. I couldn't handle people saying negative things about me online so I don't put my life online for anybody to comment on. But it's all about the content. It goes a little something like this:
Ask for opinion on colour (or whatever)
All the other interior instafolk comment positively
A few plebs say "oh I'm not sure painting that Regency fireplace with baby tit yellow gloss is such a good idea"
Become very offended that someone dares to not think the idea is genius and make post about negative comments
All the other interiors instafolk comment positively. Engagement increases and the whole thing starts all over again.

I'm really noticing whenever one of the Insta interiors people post, the rest of them all comment, often using the poster's first name (because they're all great mates and you normies can only dream of being friends with someone with such a following) It's a massive circle jerk of them all boosting each others engagement so they can get more free stuff. Grifters gonna grift.
I cannot tell you how relieved I am to find this thread. The unbearable fake middle class persona, the too tight shirts and the constant heave inducing "I'm just a *nice* guy" narrative, drives me nuts! I don't get it, everything is an ad everything is #gifted and all this "I've done everything single-handedly" is absolute bollocks. I remember he threw a almighty strop when someone dared to point out that there were multiple different mugs in the room he videoed -all with tea in, when he insisted he was on his own and was "battling on alone"
I cannot tell you how relieved I am to find this thread. The unbearable fake middle class persona, the too tight shirts and the constant heave inducing "I'm just a *nice* guy" narrative, drives me nuts! I don't get it, everything is an ad everything is #gifted and all this "I've done everything single-handedly" is absolute bollocks. I remember he threw a almighty strop when someone dared to point out that there were multiple different mugs in the room he videoed -all with tea in, when he insisted he was on his own and was "battling on alone"
I missed the tea mugs scandal but that is genius
I missed the tea mugs scandal but that is genius
It was a classic Greg strop, lots of breathless outrage whilst posting screen shots of the "unbelievable message" and then videoing himself saying it was so rude to say there were other people helping and all of the 5 mugs were his!! And then posted picturea of the mugs as if this somehow proved anything. Literally nobody gives a tit if he has help or not but his reaction was absolutely insane and all it served to do was make him looked like a massive liar
What was that all about?
I can’t remember all the details but when the split occurred with the secret ex girlfriend with the real job old Greg did a post of the house with the headline FOR SALE. The caption was a big old rant about how the bank didn’t believe taking pics of one’s self in the bath was a real job and wouldn’t let him have a massive mortgage in his own name. It was shaming the bank and telling everyone to boycott it.
I can’t remember all the details but when the split occurred with the secret ex girlfriend with the real job old Greg did a post of the house with the headline FOR SALE. The caption was a big old rant about how the bank didn’t believe taking pics of one’s self in the bath was a real job and wouldn’t let him have a massive mortgage in his own name. It was shaming the bank and telling everyone to boycott it.
Maybe he should have written down hand model under occupation seeing he has an obsession with reminding everyone how big and strong his "man hands" are.... More like a pair of dirty great shovels
I can’t remember all the details but when the split occurred with the secret ex girlfriend with the real job old Greg did a post of the house with the headline FOR SALE. The caption was a big old rant about how the bank didn’t believe taking pics of one’s self in the bath was a real job and wouldn’t let him have a massive mortgage in his own name. It was shaming the bank and telling everyone to boycott it.
That was one of his most embarrassing moments on IG. We talked about it on this thread. The comments were just full of other IG huns patting him on the head. It was ominously quiet engagement-wise from the normos.
He's thrown a strop again on Instagram because someone accused him of lying. Not sure why he has to be so dramatic all the time, his constant use of the word "interweb" continues to be horrifyingly cringe


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