In the vlog, Lydia said- if she came back to the same cottage she was staying at Cliveden, for a Christmas staycation, she would ask the staff there to move the dining table in the dining room, situated in front of the open fire, and ask them to move it somewhere else, so she could have 2 big armchairs on either side, there instead. Wow, anything else Your Majesty?!
Yes, lets rearrange the furniture to accomodate Lady and Lord Muck on their next free stay, mind you, so she can cosily curl up and warm her big trotters by the fire, with Mr Millen-Gordon by her side, on the ready, at her service, ready to jump to her every need. In fact, why don't they go the whole nine yards and redecorate the bedroom too, or get some new curtains and new flooring as well, or better yet, renovate the whole house while their at it. You never know she may request that too. I mean....what the.