Immune system relate diseases are a witch. Doctors can only treat the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of the problem and that's a pain in the ass. I wish more research could be done to find out why the immune system goes bananas for your daughters pancreas or my thyroid . Hopefully one day .To be fair, whether the house was large enough for a thousand people is neither here nor there... what a fool Elsie is. The twin sisters who hosted the gala are wonderful philanthropists who have raised 18 million for diabetes research through throwing the doors of their house open year after year. I applaud them. As a mum of a type 1 diabetes daughter, people who devote themselves to research of this horrible auto immune condition are, in my eyes, absolute heroes. I would gladly donate my pancreas and swap positions but, unfortunately, her immune system would attack the new pancreas so there’s no point. Stem cell research is really hopeful though so even in ten or fifteen years it would be a wonderful life changer. Thanks to women like these two, we might get to see that day.