Even then you claim that back as that’s from the government stat mat pay. So she didn’t pay anything.She only paid her nannies statutory!
Even then you claim that back as that’s from the government stat mat pay. So she didn’t pay anything.She only paid her nannies statutory!
Jupiter, he was being ridden by someone else but ive doubt he’s up for sale/been sold. He’s too much for her. Surprised she hasn’t admitted it though given she so easily sold the connies she bought on a whim.Only home from horse holiday then away a couple of day for dressage training then off to Holland horse shopping. Why has she not mentioned the grey horse lately? Can't remember his name.
I’m sorry but I don’t even think she can claim to love them. Sad.She said before she even had a night nanny when they were born so she didn’t have to get up to them. I don’t know about anyone else but there is no way I could lay down and sleep knowing my baby was in the next room with a stranger-albeit a nurse!!
That comment said it all to me….she just did not want kids
With out a doubt!!I’m assuming her reasoning for paying her staff SMP means they will come back to work earlier…
You just know there will be a post in a few weeks that Amanda has fallen so in love with “Jupi” that she can’t part with him so Luisa has sold him to her.Oh look a video of Jupiter appears
Especially when she says they’re the best Nannies ever, and she’s so lucky etc. These women literally raise and love her children while she is an absent parent….wouldn’t you think, in her financial circumstances she would want to go above and beyond to thank them and also to help them out? Lessen the stress and allow them to thoroughly enjoy their maternity leave?? Although having said that, she has no idea of the stress of being on SMP because she has never been in that situation. She has never had to claim benefits because she has been fortunate enough to never even remotely need them because she has always been married to rich men! She’s needs to shut her mouth on topics that she doesn’t understand and can’t relate to and has never experienced.Statuatory mat pay is so low, is it not sickening she hasn’t helped her nanny with enhanced when she brags about how much money she has
I used to like Imo the most as felt most aligned with her views on a lot of things and like how she would ‘butt in’ to clarify when Luisa and Ana were downright wrong. However she’s given up doing that and obviously just keeps her mouth shut now to keep her paycheck, which is annoying as she is probably the most intelligent out of the three and the only one capable of holding a decent open and challenging conversation on their more ‘controversial’ topics, Luisa just talks over people, shouts to get her point across then goes oops it’s my ‘tism! Oops haven’t had my adhd meds!It sounds like Imo’s financial situation is relatively normal (by comparison) and she was trying to share the realities of becoming a parent whilst being responsible for a significant proportion of the finances in a household and trying to grow a career and they just would not listen - you could hear how uncomfortable she was with the comments. I don’t know how she stays calm.
Statuatory mat pay is so low, is it not sickening she hasn’t helped her nanny with enhanced when she brags about how much money she has
I used to like Imo the most as felt most aligned with her views on a lot of things and like how she would ‘butt in’ to clarify when Luisa and Ana were downright wrong. However she’s given up doing that and obviously just keeps her mouth shut now to keep her paycheck, which is annoying as she is probably the most intelligent out of the three and the only one capable of holding a decent open and challenging conversation on their more ‘controversial’ topics, Luisa just talks over people, shouts to get her point across then goes oops it’s my ‘tism! Oops haven’t had my adhd meds!
*edited for punctuation/grammar mistake
She’s just a vile skank, who thinks her opinion is more valid than anyone else’s because her husband has more money. I’d be concerned about anyone who found her relatable… like who are they? Women who can’t stand their children and shagged their way to money. I honestly do think she believes people look at her like she’s something special and living the dream, not the reality that she’s black inside. Honestly if someone offered me all her husbands money, but on condition I’d turn into her… I wouldn’t take it. She’s not a nice human