Luisa Zissman #7 thin as a rake, PT’s a fake, only loves Andrew for what she can take

I thought the exact same. We won’t be the only ones 🙈 it all seems fake. I’m not going to listen anymore. It isn’t as funny as it used to be. The stories are repetitive & made up. The farting is gross, and Luisas ego & talking over everyone is as out of control as Anna’s fake laugh

yeah I especially dislike the Thursday extra episode as all the ‘rants’ and questions sent in have all been done before. Every rant sounds the same too!! Nothing original or new. I don’t like any farting content either I just don’t find it funny and I’m not a prude, it’s just low rent?
Maybe I’m too cynical but I just can’t fathom how that message is real- someone’s partner dies mere days ago and the luanna podcast is the thing that bonded them together and she thinks to write in at this early stage of grief?? Terrible if it is true but I often listen to the things that get written in and call bullshit

There was one episode where they did make a story up. Lu and Imo were really laughing at Anna when she read it out because they said to her she was really getting into it and it wasn’t even true!
It was a long trip though wasn’t it, more than a week? Honestly bet it was worth every penny! I’d rather spend £8k on that than £10k or whatever on a Florida/Disney world trip!
Oh hell yeah it’s definitely more fulfilling than Disney 😂 I just think as someone else said it’s out of touch for her to say ‘this is your sign to book this trip’ that’s probably a third of most of her followers annual salary
I feel sad her little Dixie did her first dressage test and her Mum was not there to see it - Just got sent a video by the Nanny/groom etc
I am horsey and was SO SO blessed growing up my (step) mum took me and my pony to every event going, there to support me, lead me when I was too scared to go alone. My Dad, not at all horsey used to come along to watch and film on his old school camcorder.
Her poor kids
I wonder if their Dad at least went along or if it was just Nany and or groom
I feel sad her little Dixie did her first dressage test and her Mum was not there to see it - Just got sent a video by the Nanny/groom etc
I am horsey and was SO SO blessed growing up my (step) mum took me and my pony to every event going, there to support me, lead me when I was too scared to go alone. My Dad, not at all horsey used to come along to watch and film on his old school camcorder.
Her poor kids
I wonder if their Dad at least went along or if it was just Nany and or groom
My parents were the same with our eventing. My mum drove us hours after school to our lessons and my dad hauled our horses up and down the state. My mum is horsey but my dad had no idea what was going on half the time. I can’t imagine not being there for my children for such a big moment especially as someone who loves horses and the sport (like Luisa allegedly does).
she looks like the dad off the wild thornberrys

She admitted on modays POD that she wished she never had kids. She loves them, but if she were to have her life again she wouldn't bother!!
She’s saying what many people think but would never admit
Although she never actually looks after her own children and buggers off without them at a drop of a hat so not sure how they’re such a strain on her
She’s saying what many people think but would never admit
Although she never actually looks after her own children and buggers off without them at a drop of a hat so not sure how they’re such a strain on her
I always think this! How stressful can they be considering she’s never with them and actively avoids them ? Listening to her talk about how sad indie sounded when she said she wasn’t going to be there for her show, and when she said a few years back how she had to start taking One of them to school every morning because the child was upset that all the other children had their parents take them in and she only had the nanny.
Her children literally express how she’s making them feel and she doesn’t care . Sad
She’s saying what many people think but would never admit
Although she never actually looks after her own children and buggers off without them at a drop of a hat so not sure how they’re such a strain on her

I genuinely don’t think this, of course life would be easier and I’d go on a lot more holidays etc but I would go back and have my kids again. They are hard work, one has special needs too, and I do not get alone time but I dfeel like my life is fuller with them in it. I’m confused why Luisa even feels her life is harder having them as she has so much help and so much time off it must feel some months as if she hasn’t done any parenting ?