Lucy Davis

she’s posted she came off the pill in august and only just got her period back during the speed project? i know it can take a bit of time for things to regulate post pill but to me it seems unhealthy that it’s taken so long for her cycle to come back.. i don’t think it’s a far reach to think she’s just admitted she overtrains/underfuels
I checked out this youtuber since seeing her name on other instarunner threads, what's with people having a skidmark of pb on their toast? her times are good for a new runner - granted she already had the aerobic base as others have mentioned. I dislike her overly shredded appearance and undereating to maintain it - I don't think it's necessary for running/helping her.
Never watch a you tube video of hers but just started the one about marathons and muscle and why is she putting on make up at the start? What an odd way to film a you tube video about running!! I find her annoying that she’s run a bit and now thinks she knows everything. Stopped watching it - too irritating!
why does she constantly go on about how much muscle she has i actually cringe when she says things like ‘as a runner who carries more muscle’ or ‘because of all the muscle i have’ 😑 i think she believes she has the same muscle mass as say tia claire toomey but to me she just looks lean rather than massive…
weird she goes on about being more muscular than other runners (those runners would not have even noticed her physique to be honest); but also goes on about wanting to regain lost muscle after Everest. Think the ED is still lurking for her..

why does she constantly go on about how much muscle she has i actually cringe when she says things like ‘as a runner who carries more muscle’ or ‘because of all the muscle i have’ 😑 i think she believes she has the same muscle mass as say tia claire toomey but to me she just looks lean rather than massive…
why does she constantly go on about how much muscle she has i actually cringe when she says things like ‘as a runner who carries more muscle’ or ‘because of all the muscle i have’ 😑 i think she believes she has the same muscle mass as say tia claire toomey but to me she just looks lean rather than massive…
TBF if she's natty she does carry a lot of muscle. Tia has an extremely unnatural womans physique and shouldn't be held as the standard for 'muscly' woman.
It’s not as if these marathons need the promo boost either, is it?!
Agreed. I’d rather they use these free places to support people who might not otherwise have had a chance to run, or who make a positive impact in their community. Watching people like Lucy or those who make up those ridiculous Flora teams is just a major eye roll for me. They add absolutely nothing
i saw her at london on sunday and must say i take back what i said about her not being that muscular, she’s a lot bigger than she looks in photos and she looked so good out there she was flying! not to discredit her efforts and time but i think she was aiming for sub 3 hours, she’s posted on insta she was aiming for sub 3:15 but on tik tok sub 3:11 🤨 we may be wrong my husband is a seasoned marathon/ultra runner and said those are strange time mile stones to aim for. would be more genuine if she came out and said i was aiming for sub 3 but wasn’t too far away ect…. she did amazing anyway, better than i’ll ever run lol but just wondering if she’s hiding some disappointment for sub 3.
i saw her at london on sunday and must say i take back what i said about her not being that muscular, she’s a lot bigger than she looks in photos and she looked so good out there she was flying! not to discredit her efforts and time but i think she was aiming for sub 3 hours, she’s posted on insta she was aiming for sub 3:15 but on tik tok sub 3:11 🤨 we may be wrong my husband is a seasoned marathon/ultra runner and said those are strange time mile stones to aim for. would be more genuine (like cassia tierny who’s spoken openly and positively about missing her sub 4 goal) if she came out and said i was aiming for sub 3 but wasn’t too far away ect…. she did amazing anyway, better than i’ll ever run lol but just wondering if she’s hiding some disappointment for sub 3.
