Chatty Member
I had a pretty gammy toenail loss after my marathon (and I do size up shoes) it wasn't infected though, if she has an actual infection she needs to take a break not be irritating her feet any more
Yes she trains hard but yes most people don't start their running already able to hold 25 minute 5k pace at a not blowing up heart rate. She should acknowledge the massive aerobic capacity her background in swimming has given her combined with the whole some people just win the genetics lottery and can do it. I doubt very much I could ever get to being a 3 hour marathon runner.
Yes she trains hard but yes most people don't start their running already able to hold 25 minute 5k pace at a not blowing up heart rate. She should acknowledge the massive aerobic capacity her background in swimming has given her combined with the whole some people just win the genetics lottery and can do it. I doubt very much I could ever get to being a 3 hour marathon runner.