Lucy Davis

The latter wouldn’t surprise me, but I can’t help but feel all these fitfluencers just won the genetic lottery. So while they work hard on their physique, I don’t think they can possibly understand how hard it is for others, especially factoring in time available to train etc. The idea that someone with a six pack makes a good coach needs to die already.
It annoys me that she tries to dismiss it all by saying that she's had this injury since 14 years old (or whenever it was). If you know you have a chronic injury that's liable to flare up, why would you plan so many intense events back to back? Particularly if Hyrox Worlds is so important to you? And this constant "testing" the injury and doing sessions -- just rest!

Sometimes I feel like she's not very bright (or is addicted to doing cool stuff for the 'gram).
It’s all fun and games in your 20s- in ten years time she will be regretting it. I know from experience how differently your body responds to injuries after 30!

As a 34 year old with 2 dodgy wrists and a dodgy knee, AMEN to this! It’s so easy to think you’re invincible when you’re in your teens/20’s, and you never stop to think about things catching up to you long term. I miss youth 😭
as you say she also talks like this is the most important thing - which if the case you’d have considered before saying yes to everything in the lead up
They talk a lot about kids and she's come off contraception I presume to conceive but I can't help think neither of them are ready for just how much their lives will change
I’m not sure she’ll cope with the way she looks either. When she did the 100K, she seemed to mentally struggle quite a bit when she lost some muscle mass (yet still looked incredible). What’s going to happen when she’s pregnant or after she gives birth and may need to take time out of training?

what on earth is her husband wearing
Is he wearing her clothes and bag? She has very awkward style when in non-training clothes (though she looks nice in this particular outfit), but he’s next level awful..
They both have awful style. It’s like they’re trying desperately to be trendy and just buy whatever crap Zara is trying to flog at the moment
Also, another marathon, seriously? What happened to her claim she was taking time out after Hyrox to heal her hip?