Hard agree.
It's safe to say that, given what previous girlfriends have said, he wasn't the easiest person to be in a relationship with, and has used the threat of suicide as a weapon on many occasions previously.
At what point can any woman be expected to put the mental and physical wellbeing of a grown man above her own? How does anyone know what point she was at with it all?
People analysing her every facial movement on a trip out to the shop is ridiculous.
Anger is also a massive part of the grieving process and I'm not sure I'd feel very charitable toward someone who didn't want help and had been revealed to have called prostitutes to his room hours before he passed.
As for people saying "She doesn't need to go out, she should get it delivered" Why the hell should she stay home? She's done a nothing wrong. Her friends probably encouraged her to nip out with them for some fresh air and to break the monotony of what is bound to be an awful time. Some normality is good for anyone in that situation.