Sadly she has indeed made it very obvious where she lives. I'll explain how I know this - as I previously mentioned, I was someone who championed 'our Laura', and was delighted to see her career progress. So I happily followed her on Insta. I can assure I'm no stalker - well, not really....let me explain.
Myself and my partner have always had an interest in 'finding out where places are' - I regularly take to Google Maps after watching a property acquisition/renovation type show. My partner must be the greatest fan of Google Maps there is! Anyway, it was Lockdown 1 here in Ireland, and we were not permitted to travel more than 1 mile from our homes. I was supposedly working from home but my employer couldn't get things set up correctly and so there were hours in the day when I was sat in the house, waiting for work to come through, bored stiff.
When I saw the lovely photos of Laura's house in London, I thought 'I wonder where that is, exactly'. I should say that I LOVE London. In recent features on Laura, another area was mentioned as where she lived, so I had a hunt, but found nothing. My partner was amused at my lack of success, and so he even got involved in the search. But then when I looked back on Laura's photos, without going into specific details, there were things in the photos that not only enabled us to identify the street, but the number of her actual house. There had been other photos of her out and about in the area that made us expand our search from our original, incorrect, 'target area'. I can't remember if it was myself or my partner who found the house, but we were able to then find out when it was sold etc. She really made it far too easy for us with a couple of those photos. I believe someone even commented on one of the photos saying 'Laura, you might want to take that photo down, for privacy/safety reasons, given that it includes such-and-such'. The photo remained.
A few other celebrities proved much harder to locate, but we eventually managed to find their houses too. Our daughter spent those lockdown days doing 1000-piece jigsaws - we poured over Google Maps.