Absolutely. Life has a way of throwing you some surprises. I ran out of college money and joined the military for a couple of years to gain a trade, save some money, and get college benefits. Twenty years later, it was a career and allowed me to set myself up for the future. Understandably, these times are different and it isn't as easy for younger generations to own homes, etc. KP does not get and grace for the future based on his current actions.
He is 30 years old now which is unbelievable to me. He is not some young person that is uniformed due to lack of experience and knowledge. Ignorance is not an excuse he can use anymore). He has and had the opportunity to set himself up for the future. Most channels have Patron (scam, but it is lucrative for many and doesn't require a lot of effort), websites, etc. He doesn't even use social media (IG, TikTok). He walks around Disney property for a couple of hours aimlessly for the most part, speaking literal nonsense and grossly eating and drinking.