Review of the vlog :
(I have nothing better to do this evening)
- vlog is titled “starting a minimalism challenge” - HAH.
- it’s father Geoffingtons birthday & Kiddo made him an omelette which “was a right fail” according to her. How dense have u gotta be to fuck up an omelette
- 2 meals out in 1 day.
- Lunch was the expensive vegan fancy sandwich shop. Review by Kaff: ‘mmmMmm’
- evening meal: pre drinks at a church converted bar in Mayfair & then Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant. Cost of living who?
- no review of the food, just panning out of G drinking champagne with his
boyfriends mates.
- 3 events which she probably bagged more freebies to declutter during her minimalist challenge. She spoke fuck all about these events. First was Next, then that perfume she likes, then fan girling over Florence Pugh & snippets of them talking & no context.
- she was wearing Spanx to ‘clinch’ her in
- ‘winter going out dress’
- “oh my gosh everything is sewwwwww expensive at the moment” she says as she picks up a bottle of the most expensive branded Sacla Pesto on the shelf to try for a single tiktok viral recipe. Well I’m glad she didn’t have to spend £900 on a single meal…. Oh wait
- life changing hack on how to dice an onion…like how everyone has been dicing onions since the beginning of time
- fucking hell what was that ‘I love Tuna Mayo’ dance that Geou’ Paul was doing
- it takes approx 2 ppl to make a sandwich
- she took the afternoon off ‘work’ to declutter her make up
- her mantra for this is ‘if I don’t repurchase this now do I need it in the house?’ Babe u didn’t even purchase it in the first place
- I wonder if she’s put her first wedding dress on vinted
- she’s got a box of about 20 colour correcting concealers she hasn’t used for about a year. Her skin is the palest porcelain. How much colour correction does she need
- oh I hate getting rid of pretty stuff! Then fucking give it away to friends or ur viewers before they go out of date u selfish greedy cunt
- a drawer full of foundations with brand new & used stuff, I think I’m gna have to fast forward this her excess is making me sick.
- I think at the end she only chucked 28 items out of the thousands she’s hoarded. Insignificant if u ask me
- dynamic duo geoffleen are going to single handedly save the neighbourhood from littering in 20 mins. G I would start at home love. even half an afternoon couldn’t sort the make up out.
- another date night
- the restaurant is sewwwwwwper expensive like really pricey according to Kathleen. What was she complaining about earlier?
- 0 reviews of the food & 3 second clip of dancing
- making herself a peppermint tea coz it’s so minty.