Boo hoo, our litle Kathleen had a bloated belly* but was so brave and went to dinner wearing a pretty dress because #ignoregativity.
*Possibly self-inflicted by eating something she knows all too well not to eat.
There are people with
actual disabilities who haven't been out for dinner for years because there are still places which aren't accessible for people who have reduced mobility, or because those people just can't know what may trigger them food-wise and don't want to risk being ill in a public toilet.
I think what happened was that she really wanted to post pictures in this particular dress (she did mention packing a number of outfits for this little gateway), and she was probably worried about people asking if she was pregnant (we all know internet can be awful like this) but I feel like she really missed the mark here. Plus the only person in the world that cares about her little bloated belly is her.
On a slightly less serious note, I hate the whole styling of this dress. The shoes that look like slices of particularly fatty pork belly, the pearl bag, the penis hairstyle, dress looking prom-y/bridesmaid-y. I think the bloated stomach should be the least of her concern here.
She must be recovering from last week's lurgy though because there she is back on Stories shilling her Amazon "store" thingy.
Please help her make money via the following aff links so she can review more little breakfasts out, try on more unflattering outfits and go on more gorgeous holidays, all of the above so she can create content for us, the lowly no-lifes.
(Who needs 18 cereal bars of the same flavour?)
(This is still way too expensive to buy one for each room in the house and I live in a semi with one bathroom
(I struggle to comprehend how someone would pay full price for this cream. Can it possibly be over 40 quid?
I had a sample of one of their creams once and even though I am not as pale as Katie, it made me look