With revenge porn or intimate image abuse, there must be intent to cause embarrassment or distress to the subject. Now if these footie blokes who posted this pic found this pic on the internet somewhere, like in a porn site, surely they would have a good argument to say they had no such intent, that KFP had been getting all her kit off, sticking phones, vodka bottles and whatnot up her foo foo and generally behaving in a debaucherous way in public for years - with photos to prove it. How can she say that she’s embarrassed or distressed?
Don’t get me wrong, I think revenge porn is hideous, but unless the police can actually prove intent it’s going to be difficult. For a start I think the sharer would have to be either he/she who actually took the photo or is at least known to KFP before you’d have a hope of proving the requisite motive.
Don’t get me wrong, I think revenge porn is hideous, but unless the police can actually prove intent it’s going to be difficult. For a start I think the sharer would have to be either he/she who actually took the photo or is at least known to KFP before you’d have a hope of proving the requisite motive.