I'm pleased the GFM is slowly creeping up. Without doubt that will be pissing her off immensely.
She is not liked by a lot of people. She's living in cloud cuckoo land if she thinks otherwise
We KNOW THIS. Sorry everyone, don't try and do a nice thing cos the Skank will cry. Don't be ridiculous.
(Deleted the first sentence because I was rude. Anxiety levels and stress are high at the moment, I apologise..the rest I stand by)
People can do whatever they want with their hard earned cash .... I donated twice since it was confirmed that Keiron was aware and already using it to help his case, many others on here and myself have often said, if there were ever a gofund to help KH we would donate, we put our money where our mouth is ` so to speak ` ( no judgement to those who didnt ) ... this is for a good cause ... I would also do it again, should the need arise ( people power is an amazing thing ) .... the children need to be back in a loving, safe ... non toxic environment, with their father and stepmother, who from what we have seen over the years, were raising them both very well, with A LOT of love ..... Im going to be rude, because I dont give a
duck ... dont really give a shiny shite if people get offended with the way I express myself on here .... to those who think, Keiron, Michelle and every other fucker involved with this
bleeping rancid skank, has to treat her with kid gloves, walk on eggs shells, for fear of upsetting the
bleeping bleep ..... ` Enough is enough ` .... In an ideal world Keiron would get 100% custody, take his little family far away, to an undisclosed location .... so this
witch has ZERO CONTACT ... they never see her again " In an ideal world ... MY world .... children grow, eventually she will be nothing but a distant memory, because their loving father will make sure, they are raised well " ... NO GOOD can come from the children being exposed to their ` mothers sleazy dirty world 24/7 ... NONE ` she has proven this, again, again and AGAIN .... I know from personal experience and past employment, the damage people like
bleeping pwiccceee cause their children, it goes into adulthood, and in some cases, is lifelong ` mentally ... a prison sentence ` ..... the only reason this lunatic gets away, with EVERYTHING is because, people continue to ENABLE HER .... god forbid anyone upsets, the
bleep that is pwicceee ..... she gets away with things, very serious issues, and we still have those who feel she should be wrapped in cotton wool ....
duck THAT ... she threatens suicide ... SOO what, let her get on with it, she wont be
bleeping missed, she also loves SELF too much to top herself, again its about CONTROL .... the children will grow, find their own path, and as mentioned, she will be nothing but a distant memory ... she does not deserve to have those children, others stepped in to raise them, did the hard work, and then she swans in, with her
bleeping fake ` mother
tit show ... her vile lies `... as I said ....
duck THAT ... anyone who wants to help this father, get his children back ... Please donate, any amount ... how ever big or small, will help and to those who cant ... or wont ... again, people have the right to decide where their money goes, and that's fine .... finally .... Best of luck Keiron and Michelle ..... the lowlife scumbag cretin
dosent realise, with this continued behaviour, she is making their relationship/love even more solid ❤❤ ( something she will NEVER have ) .... thanks for reading my rant, its been brewing since that
bleeping PTSD
tit she posted yesterday ... phewwww need a strong coffee and fag now