So she's taken two alternate weeks leave from the BBC, presumably to concentrate on doing vlogmas properly after abandoning the project in the past. But just a few days in she's already caveated it, saying that one is "supposed" to vlog daily and she hopes she can.
This undertaking should more accurately be known as Ad-mas with most of the vlog content being advertising. I wonder if many of her followers have the appetite to for all this output, even her deluded stans will have to notice they are being used as eyeballs for her tedious and cynical promos. She keeps bangin' on about being "authentic" but it comes across as so fake and random. It's overkill and I don't think her subs are that enthusiastic that they'll sit through all of that for some snippets of generic footage of London at Christmas with some added GOB antics. It could well have the effect of her subs getting sick of her. I found it very hard going to watch, I had it on at x2 speed even though I had time to kill while travelling.
The London Library is a beautiful place and the event looked lovely, she is very lucky to receive such invitations. On her radio show - and the vlog - several times she referred to some people (writers, I think) who she met there as "old", which seems very disrespectful and rude. Maybe she knew she was out of her depth there so was defensively dismissive towards some of the attendees. If the luvvies present had sought her out or been receptive to any approach we'd have heard about it so guessing Simon Callow or Helena B-C didn't engage.
I thought the House Tour vlog would be of a private home. It has been done very well as themed boutique accommodation although, personally, I could only imagine enjoying staying if you booked the whole house, far too claustrophobic with 6 guest rooms if other occupants were strangers.
Bumping into Sam McKnight was no coincidence, she was on her way to nowhere, she really must think viewers are idiots. I don't get what the conection is with him and Christina Elms, she doesn't seem like a hair or beauty product fan, seeming to favour the natural look. I actually love his cool girl texture mist which smells divine and is effective but a bottle doesn't seem to last long so I will not pay £25 for it. OT - I use George Northwood's volume spray, £15, usually using Boots points or offers. It's a wonder GOB or Anna Webb haven't grifted GN's way, he often features his dog on his socials and does a dog shampoo. Improving my hair routine according to the Blowout Professor has made the biggest difference, necessary now with much less wfh.
I so agree
@House of Tea about the similarity between GOB and Liz Jones, who has appeared on the radio show a couple of times. Both also sadly suffered from EDs. Main difference is that Liz Jones is still determined come across as a sexpot ("I'm catnip to men") but GOB is adamant that she's not interested in all that.