I feel like she’s making excuses now with the potty training. Easter hols were 2 weeks long & he wasn’t sick the whole time, she said herself he bounced back really fast. I think they need to shut themselves away at home for a few days no cousins coming & going & just go for it. There will never be a good time in that house, it’s just too busy so they need to make time & just go for it. I’m not speaking as a perfect parent here, my kids were over 3 before I even tried but you need to take the time & just go for it. A stack of pants, stickers & 100% undivided attention, bribes if needed, constant reminders until they know the cues themselves. There’s 2 adults that seem to be very flexible with their working hours, not all working parents are that lucky. I know he wasn’t great with poos last time but he was doing alright otherwise, i didn’t think it was a reason to stop. I know someone had to make a little den for their child to poo in peace
you just find something that works & stick to it for a while.