Janette - The_Little_One_Dublin

The pink baby soother on a big boy who’s nearly 4 and who is well able to talk - she’s a lazy yolk making a baba out of him 😳 its like four year olds in a buggy drinking juice from a baby bottle during the day- eh get them a cup 😬 really erks me. If he does have a delay even more important to get him off bottles and soothers- I get the bottle at night up to about 3 if they child is super attached but in all honestly there is really no need for it
The pink baby soother on a big boy who’s nearly 4 and who is well able to talk - she’s a lazy yolk making a baba out of him 😳 its like four year olds in a buggy drinking juice from a baby bottle during the day- eh get them a cup 😬 really erks me. If he does have a delay even more important to get him off bottles and soothers- I get the bottle at night up to about 3 if they child is super attached but in all honestly there is really no need for it
Im almost sure she said he’s her last after her two losses, so maybe it’s compensating for that? Well, unless she wants to be babying him into his teens! 🙈
The pink baby soother on a big boy who’s nearly 4 and who is well able to talk - she’s a lazy yolk making a baba out of him 😳 its like four year olds in a buggy drinking juice from a baby bottle during the day- eh get them a cup 😬 really erks me. If he does have a delay even more important to get him off bottles and soothers- I get the bottle at night up to about 3 if they child is super attached but in all honestly there is really no need for it
I strongly suspect that soother is Robyn's. She admitted that Robyn had her soother til she was over 5, could even have been six. But it wouldn't surprise me if she still had the soother.
I strongly suspect that soother is Robyn's. She admitted that Robyn had her soother til she was over 5, could even have been six. But it wouldn't surprise me if she still had the soother.
I actually thought that myself a couple of times. She has very obvious ‘soother teeth’ when myself & friends kids gave up their soothers the gap between the top & bottom ones closed up pretty fast.
i know she’s missing a couple of front teeth now but there’s still quite a big gap
I actually thought that myself a couple of times. She has very obvious ‘soother teeth’ when myself & friends kids gave up their soothers the gap between the top & bottom ones closed up pretty fast.
i know she’s missing a couple of front teeth now but there’s still quite a big gap
She just needs to when they were about 2 max hide or dump the soothers …distract them for a few days and then the soothers will be history 😂 she just never wanted to do the hard parenting and of course leaving it to 5 or 6 the kids will demand them and it be much harder . Really makes me cringe so bad soothers in the gobs of kids who can talk - when I lived in Oz wouldn’t ever see them on kids past 12 to 16 months - just no need they are actually dangerous as they get older as they can bite off the plastic. She’s making a fool of that boy and molly coddling him way too much. She treats him like he has a disability when in reality he hasn’t been diagnosed with anything - bugs me 😑
She just needs to when they were about 2 max hide or dump the soothers …distract them for a few days and then the soothers will be history 😂 she just never wanted to do the hard parenting and of course leaving it to 5 or 6 the kids will demand them and it be much harder . Really makes me cringe so bad soothers in the gobs of kids who can talk - when I lived in Oz wouldn’t ever see them on kids past 12 to 16 months - just no need they are actually dangerous as they get older as they can bite off the plastic. She’s making a fool of that boy and molly coddling him way too much. She treats him like he has a disability when in reality he hasn’t been diagnosed with anything - bugs me 😑

When I started following her about a year ago I actually thought he had a disability by the way she was going on about him.
I think it’s clear he has sensory issues to some extent so until she gets a diagnosis I don’t think it would be right to take away the soother if it’s a comfort to him
I think it’s clear he has sensory issues to some extent so until she gets a diagnosis I don’t think it would be right to take away the soother if it’s a comfort to him
I think he has really come on and if he was autistic I don’t think he would be responding like he does to her - answering to his name, having back and forth conversation, decent eye contact, points and shows interest in other kids. There’s prob a bit of a development delay but he may also just catch up if given the right support & can overcome sensory issues. Even if he does get a diagnosis of sensory disorder at some point he needs to get off bottles , get off soothers and get potty trained. They can train non verbal autistic kids at 3, I honestly think she would have him fully trained in 4 weeks if she preserved.he doesn’t look too far off the average 3 year old these days aside from the enabling she does in my opinion
She’s gone off on holidays, broadcast an empty house to 43k followers. If that house gets broken into her insurance could be invalid. Some companies were talking about not covering theft if someone publicly announced their holiday dates.
Where is she gone to now ?! So stupid to advertise 🙈🙄

Hate to be stuck next to her on a flight she has the most drone accent I’ve ever heard 💤💤😴😴😴