Guest's recipes remind me of the very worst of student cooking - someone who doesn't really know what they're doing just chucking stuff in a pan because it might go together and they're too hungover to care.
Also, because Mr Beacon and I are
greedy bastards glorious foodies, we chat a lot about food, recipes, techniques etc. I showed him my fisking of guest's revolting white chocolate and garlic pasta recipe, and he pointed out something else that I had completely missed - ABSOLUTELY NO SEASONING AT ALL. No salt in the pasta water, and no seasoning of any other kind in the rest of the dish. So my observation that the instruction about cooking the pasta was fine was incorrect. I can only apologise for the oversight but I was overwhelmed by the mental image of the vile slop.
Revisit it here:
She'd be spying and squealing on everyone to try and save her own arse. I just know it. Her and her dad. She has powerful Bad Grass energy.