Agreed. It's one of the things that annoys me most about Jack - her refusal to acknowledge how lucky she is in terms of her family background. It's not just her failure to acknowledge her own relative privilege, it's her continued pretence that Chocco worked himself up to being a millionaire landlord by yomping to work in humiliating trousers.
I'd call her a Tory, but pretty much every Tory-ish person I know does at least admit to having been lucky in life. Jack claims to be the most impoverished urchin that ever was, and yet has had some amazing opportunities, a number of very substantial windfalls... and despite having pissed all of that away still stands to inherit enough to live on. Not just a second chance, but a fourth or fifth or sixth chance.
With the housing situation in London and the South East as it is, you can work as hard as you like but it turns out that your parents' wealth will almost always be the dominant factor in how wealthy you become yourself.
Insofar as Jack does ever talk about this, she does so in a way that makes her seem like she's entirely self-made, as are her parents. But that's just not true, is it? There shouldn't be any shame in admitting it - pretty much everyone who's been able to think of buying a house in the SE in the past decade has a similar story to tell.
Jack wants to pretend that she's pulled herself up by her bootstraps, but if she ever does succeed in doing so it'll only have been because Big D has given her a helping hand. She really should be honest about that.