Lobster Johnson
Chatty Member
Honestly recounting this is making me well up because I’ve faced real grinding poverty. Things are slightly better now on that side but I’m always thinking, “What if”. I do a lot of bulk buying of essentials too, because I’m scared we will be broke if something happens and we will have no toilet roll, or washing up liquid, or laundry powder.I also hoard things like shower gels ( NOT boiled down soap ffs - I also have loads of soap too ) , shampoo, conditioner, face cream. I get stuff on offer or for Christmas and birthdays or save for nicer items which last me ages. Just because I know what it’s like to be low / without these essentials ( and yes, an occasional treat like a mini facial done yourself at home because salons are out of your price range).
My saddest time ( for me personally, not connected with my kids or my mum ) was when a friend of mine gave me a £15 love to shop voucher for my birthday, so I could buy some nice shower gels, bubble bath etc so I could stock Up in Boots. She knew how hard times were for me just then. She also bought me £20 groceries ❤
Honestly recounting this is making me well up because I’ve faced real grinding poverty. Things are slightly better now on that side but I’m always thinking, “What if”. I do a lot of bulk buying of essentials too, because I’m scared we will be broke if something happens and we will have no toilet roll, or washing up liquid, or laundry powder.
It’s bleeping insane but shows the real affect poverty has on your MH. I would say the trauma of the things I’ve told you about tonight contributed towards the state of my MH now - cyclothymia and EUPD. See Jack,THIS is the real poverty hangover. It never leaves you.
I spend my money carefully as I can, to make sure my kids and I never have to face that again. No fancy sideboards, spenny fridges or Lux Puddle Scarfs here. bleep.
THIS ⬆⬆⬆
If it doesn't go off, (and especially if it's on offer) buy it in while you can afford it,
And any unexpected notification regarding money etc quite literally throws me into a panic. I can barely breathe, find myself fighting back tears, and am paralysed - it takes me days to get back into a state where I can take any form of action.
It angers me so much when guest writes about being afraid of brown envelopes, because I and many others are really terrified when anything "official-looking" lands on the doormat. And it isn't amusing. And 99% of the time it's nothing to worry about. Just an envelope from the water company saying they're doing repairs to the drains on Friday or something
Before you buy them ALL, have you thoroughly checked all local puddles?
all of this. Both posts.