Just to slightly defend boiled potatoes man… academia is extremely precarious employment until you “make it” and a lot of people end up decimating their savings moving up and down the country and internationally for short term jobs. This guy could be relatively new in post and not had time to accumulate a decent savings pot, especially living in the South East. He won’t be the only one.
However, I noted with interest that his post was QTed by the gen sec of UCU (another one on 6 figures who loves to wail about how working class she is) to basically ask for donations to the union strike fund, which is pretty well-furnished. Our man should be spending his time applying for help from that rather than tagging in Jack who doesn’t give a solitary duck about any striker and who CERTAINLY wouldn’t give the time of day to lecturers because they’re EXACTLY the sort of people who might tell her she needs to apply herself.
The boiled potatoes are just another roadside mum shock tactic to get the visuals going viral. Could’ve been a plate of chips and beans, but then fewer people would be clutching their pearls I guess.