Apart from the massive safeguarding issues, which other Fraus have covered better than I could, what she does on Twitter is not actually WORK. She’s indoctrinating the kid into a completely false idea of what fulfilling, rewarding work actually is.
She’s also teaching him a dangerously false and simplistic view of the world, in which government ministers are literal monsters, people routinely starve to death in their homes and any squig on Twitter who asks any questions is the fash.
Jack, if you wanna teach your kid about the value of work and the satisfactions of earning your own coin, take him to an animal sanctuary as a volunteer for the morning or even take him with you at your weekly food bank volunteering. Don’t teach him to be exactly like you. Please.
Anyway why am I worked up it’s not true, it’s a cynical ploy to put a stop to any questioning or criticism from squigs on Twitter.
She’s also teaching him a dangerously false and simplistic view of the world, in which government ministers are literal monsters, people routinely starve to death in their homes and any squig on Twitter who asks any questions is the fash.
Jack, if you wanna teach your kid about the value of work and the satisfactions of earning your own coin, take him to an animal sanctuary as a volunteer for the morning or even take him with you at your weekly food bank volunteering. Don’t teach him to be exactly like you. Please.
Anyway why am I worked up it’s not true, it’s a cynical ploy to put a stop to any questioning or criticism from squigs on Twitter.