She wasn't famous, I think that person was assuming she would be in the future?
She was clearly desperate to BE famous, though. A couple of examples:
Here she is wanking over getting Star Letter in the local paper:
(shades of my dad having an email read out on the radio and talking about it
for weeks)
Here she is opening a blog post with "I am reluctant to use the term
living in the public eye" (she had had her blog for 2 months at this point):
Here she is accusing another Southend political type of plagiarism:
From what I can gather, she started out by showing up to every Southend council meeting and befriending all the other hacks involved with local politics. Those people tend to have an exaggerated sense of their own importance, so they probably all considered themselves Southend VIPs? At first she was only focused on local politics, hence the original blog name (Our Southend). This is why so much of the first year of archives is such a slog to get through. There is NOTHING as dull as local politics. Nothing.