Can a clever frau do a picture of a paratrooper in a barristers wig?
We're ready ma'am.
Can a clever frau do a picture of a paratrooper in a barristers wig?
Ready to land on an unsuspecting squig with a writ.
They are literally mid-flight. This one has knocked his wig crooked because he is saluting so very hard. At Jack.Ready to land on an unsuspecting squig with a writ.
Cripes - just watched it
When she is talking (aside from the drivel) she isn't quite as bad as when she is quiet. Then she stands there mouth opening and closing gulping like a beached fish and staring in a swivel eyed fashion all around.
Towards the end when her quaveriness takes over it is so embarrassing. Then she is asked for tips to help people struggling and just cites a website to help people access benefits before just abrubtly and oddly stopping. No help for people not on benefits then.
This is her 10 year specialist subject. Why is she so nervous and vague about it all still?
O wow, really?! Stand corrected!I’m afraid ccj info is publically available and free. Website let’s you have 5 free downloads, I got it. An earlier frau screenshot it but I think mods removed.
Lads I’m feeling generous, I’ll start a new Fred whilst it’s quiet
Why is that significant, does the shininess indicate drug use?The BBC news interview from today is so, so awkward to watch. It's the most nervous she's ever looked on camera, and I watched lingreenie live.
And her philtrum gets VERY shiny towards the end.
You’d MUCH rather people support food banks eh? Fabulous news. Look forward to your closing patreon and asking all contributors to give to the actual poor then.
am catching up so sorry if it has been mentioned, butAvailability on the one day you visit isn’t data, you useless downpipe.