VIP Member
Thanks @TheDragonWithAFlagon . We all knew something wasn't right and it's good to see it spelled out so clearly.
This is going to be just like the GoHenry chaos. 'But I didn't mean to use it for nefarious purposes, so why are you all mithering on about it?' 'Trolls ruin everything, I've never done any harm.'
Maybe I'm naive, but I actually do believe she's not setting out to keep any of this money, nor was she going to use GoHenry for money laundering or tax evasion, but these rules exist for good reasons. Yes, on one hand she's raised X amount for TT, but it would have been so much more had people been able to gift aid. The dead people cant riot message is unclear, offensive and grammatically incorrect. There is zero transparency about funds and that creates all sorts of problems for TT - and they just want to 'get people fed'.
She's such a narc though, she'll never accept that what she did was wrong.
Exactly. I'm taking the approach that it is entirely honest. And utterly non compliant every step of the way.
The Law is blind. It applies to everybody and should be applied to everybody.
And now I'm going to say something utterly wanky. I'm running late for choir practice as a result of the splatter bombing of Good Governance. Might be back later, if not, I'll be here to see the latest shitfit tomorrow evening.