Somehow, I don't think sending the DHOTY guy that photo would be the burn she thinks it would be. Not because it 'proves' they'd never been asked for a reverse mullet before (it's this month's middle aged divorcee cut, intended to go with plastic blouses/trousers and spiky heels) - but because it could very easily become a new thing; the SHOTYAs.
Shouldn't Happen of the Year Awards.
Mind you, once you have the marionette/smokers lines, the carefully concealed crows' feet, the mid brown and grey colour, an actual jawline and significantly longer and narrower nose, I think she looks alright. Sharper features suit her more - whilst the haircut is undoubtedly shite and would have been far better with a short taper rather than a reverse skullet and is atrociously executed, the person in the salon isn't that bad at taking photos.