It can’t be a coincidence that Our Lord Jesus Christ is having her own major, entirely non - self inflicted chaos this week, so Jack has to whip out this load of old shite.
It’s a mark of how untrustworthy I find this whole bunch of monsters that I simply do not believe anything she shares anymore. In fact, I am more likely to actively disbelieve it and wonder why she is trying to deceive this time, and what she is up to.
She can’t be posing on holiday with her kid in one pic and barely 6 hours later, be delving through her boxes of shite and pretending to be arty again. It’s not believable, she has zero credibility, so it simply isn’t true in my opinion.
The absolute worst thing about the tit drawing (and the photo) is undoubtedly the sycophantic comments that are enough to induce vomiting. Awful, arse kissing drivel.