If she was only lying to her family and friends, and they just rolled their eyes and ignored her, it would be one thing.
But, and it's a big but, she is lying to a wider audience to obtain money by deception. Journalists are enabling her by not investigating her back story adequately. This in turn has been enabled by her contacts in Parliament, the media, charities, celebrity friends and chef partner.
Because of her connections, journalists don't see the need to verify her statements and accept them at face value. After all, if she has the backing of MP's, charities and celebrities, et al, what possible reason do they have to doubt her?
Let's not sugar coat it, she is defrauding people out of money, some of whome can barely afford it. Those enabling this are equally culpable.
What she is doing is criminal, and one way or another, one day she will pay dearly for that criminal behaviour.
And HMRC will get her if she is in any way not being transparent with her finances.