Jack Fincham

My daughters dad was put on the sex offenders register. We had split up long before this all happend btw and were sharing custody. What was found was bad enough to the point where they had to examine my daughter to see if anything bad toward her had happened (thankfully no evidence to suggest anything happend) I stopped all contact and he took me to family court. He was granted supervised visits even after social services said he was a risk around children 🤯

So something major must be up to stop any access. well never know as anything said in family court is completely confidential. If it gets out you’ll could be held for contempt of court.
No one was a bigger fan of Jack than me I loved him on love Island but oh my god, how fooled was I. I am so disgusted by the comments he makes and his reaction to the mother of his child is disgraceful. She may have been a one night stand jack but you have a beautiful child together and you should be more respectful. I always thought something was funny when dr Alex seemed to be out of the picture all of a sudden
Anyone who doesn’t see Jack for who he is after his own instagram post needs to give their heads a wobble. He slut shames the mother of his child by calling her a one night stand like she was the only one in that scenario.
Calls her bitter and scorned because Jack is a deluded narcissist and in his tiny mind he thinks the only reason she’s calling him out is because she wants him.
Then worst of all he tries to garner sympathy and plays the mental health card like he hasn’t just posted pure nonsense and abuse himself.
He says “me & I” about 12-13 times but doesn’t mention his daughters name once because the child involved in this wouldn’t occur to a crap father who only thinks of himself.
If Casey is reading this I would advise her to move on as hurtful as that is. Some men were not supposed to be fathers and by the looks of it Jack can’t even take care of himself.
I think he is just denied access as he is not on the birth certificate so whilst biologically the father he isnt the father in the eyes of the law until the mother says otherwise and agrees that he is on the birth certificate
The court would direct paternity testing in that case.

My feeling is, he has not accepted a direction from the court (maybe drug testing) and therefore the court won’t direct he can have contact with the child. But that’s just my opinion btw.
I imagine when he says he ‘lost’ in court he just means he wasn’t granted what he wanted. Cos she said something like she would only let him see the kid when she was present, so if he’s saying something like he wants the kid every other weekend all weekend (for example), and she’s saying the kid doesn’t know who he is so the court said no, in his eyes he ‘lost’.

I know a couple of men who were told they could only seen their kids in contact centres so they just opted to not see them at all… I imagine he has done the same.
Maybe he turned up to court with drugs in his system, or the judge saw him for who he really was and his real intentions of using his daughter for attention rather than to be beneficial in her life? Or that maybe at the time of the court hearing and previous he showed no interest in building a relationship with her on top of all his drug charges etc. Plus many things we don’t know about! It could be anything I suppose and I guess we’ll never know
An article posted 8 hours ago.. convenient timing 🧐 go on whip the sympathy card out jack… one day after the “people dropping like flies” comment


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He was a psycho on celebs go dating.
Yes thats when I really started to dislike him! He was clearly off his tits for most of it, he was so rude to one of the girls he went on a date with. He was like a totally different person, probably the real Jack coming out, constantly off his face. You can read between the lines on most of the recent reports on him and the things he's been up to.