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Will liberals / moderates / centrists / democrats or whatever they call themselves get more vocal now that it's all more overtly evil? Or will they continue to be like
I bet the Israelis are Zionists are so proud Trumps just set a ticking time bomb on those hostages heads. No chance of them being released now. God bless America huh
But more proud of their lovely soldiers so moral
Will liberals / moderates / centrists / democrats or whatever they call themselves get more vocal now that it's all more overtly evil? Or will they continue to be like
Will liberals / moderates / centrists / democrats or whatever they call themselves get more vocal now that it's all more overtly evil? Or will they continue to be like
The tweet was in relation to the hostages so a nod to their “unwavering” support for Israel whilst simultaneously describing the whole of the Middle East as the bad guys to ensure their perpetual war cycle has the full support of the American people.I’ve reread Dogmuck’s post and Trump didn’t refer to Gaza he wrote the Middle East and and he can’t do anything significant to Hamas because if his aim is getting the hostages back they hold the ace.
Was this tweet a message to Iran ?
I read a piece in Haaretz saying that Iran is going to get a nuclear weapon in double quick time because of the picks trump has made for his Government.
Is Trump going to go ham on Iran after he promised that he wouldn’t drag America into another war ?
How could Trump attack Iran without causing major issues to the world economy?
Someone wrote it for him he can’t write in English.Or light and darkness.
Not Hamza again I wonder why that doesn’t make it to BBC headlines either
Oh a double Hen Mazzig too - that independent Israeli journalist
You say journalist I say check out his wiki, Zionist mouthpiece who’s a social media influencer…he’s actually a boy with an iPhone and a tripod but also to give him extra journalistic credibility he has a ring light he most certainly is someone wearing fancy dressBut a an actual journalist all the same, not someone in fancy dress.