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I followed ollie for a long time. I had to unfollow because the irrational behaviour was making me uncomfortable. Back when she was badmouthing childrens services for denying her to be a foster parent or adopt. It seems to me she latches onto something and goes hell for leather and if she doesn’t get it, then that’s badmouthing.
A lot of these fertility accounts are the same-they thing it’s a 100% guarantee if they do treatment then they get a baby which is absolutely isn’t. Every one gets a % chance of success and no one gets 100%. When they (very sadly) don’t get their positive, SOME tend to turn on the doc in their clinic and badmouth them. I get that it’s devastating and upsetting-I’ve been through it but they go about it the wrong way.
I’ve said it here before I completely disagree with any GFM for treatment. It’s inappropriate.
I think ollie needs a good long therapy session and to sort her head out because I think before she started all this treatment and hit devastation after devastation she was in need of some support
I unfollowed for the exact same reason, it is uncomfortable to watch her!
So on her stories she said she pee’d herself in the hospital last night. Sorry now but she hasn’t had a baby to ruin her bladder, so I assume it was alcohol.
I can’t believe she just said that on her stories! She’s really not okay.
There must be bi polar there with her. I say this cause I’ve seen this behavior in people I know. Not in a blasé, mocking her kind of way.
She’s Hyper and non stop talking to the point of being manic, Careless and impulsive. I do feel bad for her.
But the walking along her estate looking a state and the camera right up to her is annoying af!
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