Well said.
It's not a pro-Ioan site but most here are against victim blaming & there's no doubt Ioan was abused for a significant length of time.
He was clearly unhappy for a long time but so under her coercive control it took him a long time to deal with it.
You're right about their relationship being fucked up & that's on Alice. I agree about the co-dependency/enabling.
The latter happens cos' it can take a very long time, years in a lot of cases, before the victim even realises that they are being abused.
(I speak from personal experience.)
It's human nature to give the benefit of the doubt/hope things will get better, etc add in residual love, guilt etc & Narcs are THE experts at manipulation & gaslighting. Add children into the mix & they're another reason to stay as long as possible.
He told Alice several times over the years how he felt & she always ignored him. He tried for a long time but finally had enough. Like many turds I believe it was through his working away (from her toxicity) that he slowly began to get clarity over their marriage & see it for what it was & that he was the continued victim of abuse.
Knowing how aggressive & confrontational she can be with complete strangers we can only imagine what she put him through when he found the courage to tell her he no longer loved her & was leaving. That wasn't weakness, that took courage. Nobody was there helping him.
ETA it spoke volumes that for his own safety he needed a police escort when he returned for his belongings.
He has stood firm in the face of a relentless year long + campaign of hate & PA from a Narc who is hell bent on destroying every aspect of his being. Had he been weak he would have gone back to her & the girls.
His applying to the courts for a TRO & therefore admitting he had been abused took enormous courage IMO as men don't get the sympathy & understanding that women are granted. That can't have been an easy decision to make as he's a very private person.
Has he made mistakes? Sure, he's not perfect but he was/is the victim of a vicious Narc & I think he has shown a lot of courage in the face of all he's
been forced to endure & we only know the tip of the iceberg. He has lots more evidence. That he clicked with a woman also escaping an abusive marriage likely helped them both survive. Abuse does serious damage to one's MH. I don't begrudge either of them the support & comfort that has likely brought to them both.
As for him needing to be with someone who needs him, you may be right, he certainly comes across to me as a kind caring guy & perhaps within his personality is an element of being the white knight, who knows? I just know (speaking as a victim of emotional abuse & also a victim of a Narc) that he has shown a lot of courage & he still has a mountain to climb & a STBXW from hell who will never stop.