I hope ive done spoiler correctly to protect those triggered by these topics.
So turds, I've shared a bit in the past about my history re why I initially sided with AE. Divorce, cheating, etc etc. Can't recall if I also explained that I was raped by my first manager out of college, who was also the CEO of the company, a powerful businessman at the time and also my then long term boyfriends fathers best friend. The Harvey W stuff triggered the hell out if me at the time, although my rape was a long time ago. It's another reason I don't believe AE and her story re HW now. Tbh though, I've been very anti men for a few years, since Divorce, and also because my brother in law was very inappropriately texting and calling me at one stage after I separated, saying he'd " picked the wrong sister " and after I called him out on it on a call, he totally denied it. It caused a rift between my sister and I for a few years. I have since chosen to move past it and although it was really bloody hard, I'm OK with it now because I know he knows he fucked up big time, and he was going through a lot of stuff himself.
Also, some here mentioned about tapering issues for SSRIs. I've started tapering off Lexapro, as I was on 20mg for 2 years and tbh it wasn't helping. I worked through my depression ( have had since age 16 at least, plus anxiety, probably younger) via a load of self help books, meditation, nature!!! Big time, and generally learning about myself. just started therapy again though, as I think that's the final piece in the puzzle I need.
All this to say, a huge part of me going back to therapy, and feeling better in myself has been down in no small part to this thread! The inspiration and insight I've received here gas been honestly better than anything I've ever experienced with family or friends. Realistically, I know I probably will never get to meet any of the wonderful, inspirational and all around bleeping hilarious and insightful folks I've been privileged enough to share words with on here. I can't thank you all enough for what you've brought to my life in the past year. You are all truly amazing people, each so different and all ( well most bar the occasional trolls obviously!) so very insightful, honest and very, very human. I love you all. I never would have expected to find any of this on a gossip forum, nor have imagined sharing this with strangers from everywhere. But here I am! Thank you ! And because tomorrow is Paddy's Day and I'm Irish: go raibh maith agat a stór!