Can I say one thing that is *gugh gasp cough* positive about Alice? She TOTALLY OWNS her personality disorder, much like her idol Betty. She has not deviated from the histrionic/narc playbook once - not once. So all/most of our predictions are right on the money - she makes it so easy for us. I think she is at the next BB stage playbook of dumping the kids to break up Ioan and B by being arrested. BB dumped her kids with Dan to 'teach Dan a lesson' and truly believed he would come back to her with open arms when he 'learned how hard it was to take care of the kids boo boos'. She is more insidious, hoping it will scare her kids from Ioan forever if she can get them to believe HE jailed her. She is hoping she will be jailed, and the kids will be taken screaming from her clutches, with flash bulbs popping. What she and BB failed to understand, was that kids can adapt. BB's kids grew to love their father and appreciate Linda when they were separated from her. Alice is playing a stupidly dangerous game, which makes me wonder what she is ultimately capable of. I shudder to think.