Alice scored a huge own goal really because she just pushed Ioan further and further away and made herself look like a complete loon in the process. If I was Alice this is what I would have done.
Give Yo and B the house...its falling apart, stinks of dog piss and to be honest looks like a dump (and the pool looks like shrek has been bathing in it).
In return for the house I would have asked for funds for a little apartment just round the corner.
I'd have gone 50/50 custody straight off, nothing puts pressure on a new relationship than a sulky tween.
Given him Emma ( she could have taught beautiful Bubba how to piss up the curtains).
Then I would sit in my little apartment and sit back and cackle at how fuckikg easy I have it while Yo & B are dealing with the kids, house and pissy dogs.
Phase 2 would include me losing tit loads of weight and jogging by the house each day looking GLORIOUS.
I'd have come off social media (or even just set up a sock account for my trolling).
2 years on I'd provably have a new man, and Yo would be battling with a now teenager and the rat in the bleeping Prius.