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Now she's replying to Janey Godley!? Is she deliberately engaging with problematic people to attemp to minimise her own actions?
I hope the judge at the custody hearing asks why there is kids' TV on all day when Elsie is supposed to be in school and Ella is supposed to be home schooled. And... loud jingles in the car upset her? Is that the same car she has no insurance to drive?AE: Yep. I have to wear foam earplugs all day - because those kids programs are LOUD.
So it's all TV and devices chez Evans. Not surprising. As the court docs revealed, that's all AE does (plus drink) so the kids won't be any different.
As I said before, I hope Ioan gets full custody of at least Elsie. And Ella in the fullness of time when she is less enmeshed with AE.
I was actually homeless this year, with my three kids in tow, due to a Scumlord who’s house was in major disrepair, wouldn’t fix anything and so I reported her ass. She decided to boot us out rather than spend a penny on the house she owned mortgage free as she inherited it. She used to wang on about that and how attached to it she was as she grew up there, and would often break tenancy laws by turning up every month to inspect and screech at me for things like dust being on MY coffee table. Major cognitive dissonance/Narc behaviour.
Couldnt even get a viewing on other houses because as soon as I said single parent, they weren’t interested. I work. I have a high earning home owner Guarantor. My income is c.45K (around 16K are benefits - 10K of that is disability benefits for one of my children as they are classed as severely disabled). My credit score is fine - not great as my abusive ex trashed it.
To say I fought tooth and nail is an understatement. I even had a new signed and dated tenancy agreement when the landlord decided he didn’t want to rent to me - I have an ongoing complaint with the property ombudsman against the EA and I will win because it’s a legally binding document once signed by both parties (it was).
Luckily for us, a friend took us in the day the bailiffs were due to come and then an acquaintance of hers rented one of her houses to us.
My kids had to move schools as it’s a different county and I do a long commute to work.
I mention this because
- mAlice has had plenty of ways to avoid this trauma happening to her children and not only has she not done any of them, she has/is actively making it worse
- my kids are actually not traumatised by it (I was terrified at the prospect of this) because of how I conducted myself before, during and after the crisis
If you cannot motivate yourself to do better, be better for your kids, you have no business being a parent.
At least he's not rocking the New Balance 608 sneakers like every other middle-aged American dad!!I like Bubba’s booties and onesie, it’s Ioan’s choice of trousers that kills me
#AttentionWhoreUrgh. She’ll cosy up to absolutely anyone who gives her attention, won’t she?
Bifurcate means to split into two parts. But in family law it means to deal with the issues separately so to deal with the marriage status by getting divorced with the remainder (property, support, custody, orders, etc.) to be dealt with after that is done.What does this mean please? Thanks
It's a way to resolve some issues before the divorce is finalized:What does this mean please? Thanks
It's a way to resolve some issues before the divorce is finalized:
View attachment 1807130 q
.What is Bifurcation in Divorce and How to Get One? | Law Offices of Renkin & Associates
Bifurcating your divorce ends your marriage while other matters are being resolved. To learn more about this divorce option, contact the Law Offices of Renkin &
If those girls had to pick their Mother out of a line up they'd have to ask to see the top of her head. Alice must have a dowager hump by now given how much time she's bent over her phone.I do like in an attempt to shame Ioan this minion basically tells Alice that her fibro is not real, and she even liked it
View attachment 1807106 q
it's btw very obvious that some of her supporters are trolling her: one was a few months ago claiming on IG that she knows Ioan cheated because her brother worked with him on Harrow, now on twitter they forgot that story/connection and instead say that they dont know if he cheated. Instead a different account took over the same story now. Both ladies are from the UK it seems. And we are talking about a show in Oz (not like this means much or that I dont think they did, but with that sample you would expect actual leaks rather than "friends from sister from X" stuff from accounts that want to befriend a certain blue tick, bit much of a coincidence)
It seems like ashart wasnt enough.
I think it's pretty pointless at this stage. Many bifurcate because the other party refuses to engage in the divorce and by bifurcating you make it very real "no way to go back", Alice has started to somewhat engage in the divorce since the TRO so this is no longer a reason to do it. I also dont think he should bifurcate just because he wants to remarry (i dont think he does rn anyway). The only reason why you would now bifurcate is to feel better about dating (technically he is still married), but the moment you file for bifurcation you wait usually 4-5 months for a court date, so really no point. Bifurcating also kinda means for many divorcing twice, plus Alice will probably become overwhelmed by having to already do stuff like tax returns on her own, and she would take bifurcating as a proof that he and Bianca are longer together than they admit and ready to marry. she would probably see it for all of these reasons as some kind of abuse and he probably wants to avoid that tit, especially when doing it in the first place isnt gaining him too much.I wonder why he hasn't bifurcated yet?
Hmmm, the "benefits" section is verrrrrry interesting.After, I think?
He probably wanted to get away from her quickly. Done and dusted, free to move on.I btw think in hindsight he should have considered the opposite: A legal seperation followed by a divorce. Alice only got really crazy (at least from the outside) when he filed for a whole divorce. I think with a legal seperation it may have been easier to negotiate with her all the details and then divorce her when he actually needs it. The only real downside from his POV in that scenario is that he would continue to pay her health insurance until divorce I believe (but it has other financial benefits). But of course this is all hard to say because I dont know how unwilling Alice was to settle to reasonable terms and whether that would have been actually different in the knowledge that there is in theory a way back.
This is what the now legendary Scottish guy was replying to. Can’t see him threatening her in anyway or saying anything untoward about the children. View attachment 1806960 q
I btw think in hindsight he should have considered the opposite: A legal seperation followed by a divorce. Alice only got really crazy (at least from the outside) when he filed for a whole divorce.
I know you all know this. I am NOT C&S on Twitter.
Oh to be there for her meeting with the LA Sheriff's Deputy.
Alice: So you see, Officer, I said something really mean about my husband, but then I dirty deleted it. But in the meantime, some random Scotsman insulted me.
Deputy: Umm, okay?
Deputy: Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.
CookieMonsta said:Is he particularly popular in Croatia?