You know it’s frustrating as an outsider to see what I think is inaction sometimes. But, he is having regular contact and although we know it’s a hell-scape for them just now, they have sanctuary and solace with their daddy. They’re slowly un-doing all the bad she has done and that will take time. He’s only been seeing them for a few months now and those children will be weary and tired. We know she interrogates them when they come back, we can probably surmise she’s interrupting the FaceTimes too. She constantly tells on herself. She wasn’t made to drive them to the therapist (that she choose btw! ) for nothing. It takes time and time is a healer, except for big fish-face Al. She can continue literally showing her ass on Twitter, at least she’s being held accountable on here. Her time will come, she will be out on her arse and the children will eventually go no contact. They’re undoing years of enmeshment and parentification, and possibly emotional incest. Just now the children will be confused that the mummy they sometimes see is fun and loud and obnoxious, in time they will see the truth. She’s a bad mother with addiction issues.
Ya spooky (seven year)Biatch 777 is my car numberplate