IBS/IBD sufferers...

Reaaaally struggling with bloating lately! I can eat the exact same thing on two different days and one day I'm fine, the next I look 9 months pregnant!

Anyone got any tips or tricks?

I tried peppermint capsules and they seemed to work for a while then stopped again....
Morning! I was wondering wether anyone had looked into Gut Health and what to eat/take to help with Gut health - wether it had worked or could point me in the right direction for information? There is lots on TT - but mostly American and I want some UK advice! 😂 Thankyou and hope your all doing okay!
I need help, I have been back and forwards to the doctors for years now with on going stomach issues, brain fog, fatigue and generally being run down. I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia in 2011 following the birth of my daughter & I’m prescribed B12 injections as I can’t absorb the B vitamin in my gut. Prior to lockdown they wanted to test me for coeliac by taking a biopsy of my gut (I attempted the camera twice and couldn’t do it) during lockdown my consultant advised all medical procedures like that had stopped and they were diagnosing via two blood tests. I had them and both tested positive. He then wanted a repeat and this one came back normal (prior to this second round I was very unwell and was eating hardly anything - I don’t feel like the results were acccurate) I followed up with a 3rd 6 months later and again tested positive. This wasn’t enough for a clear diagnosis, however i was given a prescription for gluten free products & referred to the dietitian (who I see every 6 months and still do) I was unable to stick to a gluten free diet. Early last year my consultant got back in touch & said they now have a camera you can swallow and it’ll take 80,000 images of your gut and that will help diagnose. I was unable to complete the prep or swallow the camera so I remain in limbo. I’m very aware of the damage I’m doing to my body but also just terrified. I suffer terribly with heart burn/acid reflux which I’m medicated for, I have episodes of extreme nausea, bloating, dizziness, brain fog, diarrhoea but also anxiety too. I so far haven’t pin pointed any foods that trigger me - it can happen at anytime (usually night) it’s extreme pains, I can’t sleep, usually a hot water or a bath is needed. It means I have quiet a bit of time off work & im now anxious about going out to eat. I don’t know what I hope to achieve from this post so thank you for reading it all. I dunno if I need to improve my gut health as my diet is shocking, try and lower my sugar intake, try and work out what’s causing me so much pain. I’m just sick of living like this and feeling so unwell all the time. I’m fed up of being poorly!
I need help, I have been back and forwards to the doctors for years now with on going stomach issues, brain fog, fatigue and generally being run down. I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia in 2011 following the birth of my daughter & I’m prescribed B12 injections as I can’t absorb the B vitamin in my gut. Prior to lockdown they wanted to test me for coeliac by taking a biopsy of my gut (I attempted the camera twice and couldn’t do it) during lockdown my consultant advised all medical procedures like that had stopped and they were diagnosing via two blood tests. I had them and both tested positive. He then wanted a repeat and this one came back normal (prior to this second round I was very unwell and was eating hardly anything - I don’t feel like the results were acccurate) I followed up with a 3rd 6 months later and again tested positive. This wasn’t enough for a clear diagnosis, however i was given a prescription for gluten free products & referred to the dietitian (who I see every 6 months and still do) I was unable to stick to a gluten free diet. Early last year my consultant got back in touch & said they now have a camera you can swallow and it’ll take 80,000 images of your gut and that will help diagnose. I was unable to complete the prep or swallow the camera so I remain in limbo. I’m very aware of the damage I’m doing to my body but also just terrified. I suffer terribly with heart burn/acid reflux which I’m medicated for, I have episodes of extreme nausea, bloating, dizziness, brain fog, diarrhoea but also anxiety too. I so far haven’t pin pointed any foods that trigger me - it can happen at anytime (usually night) it’s extreme pains, I can’t sleep, usually a hot water or a bath is needed. It means I have quiet a bit of time off work & im now anxious about going out to eat. I don’t know what I hope to achieve from this post so thank you for reading it all. I dunno if I need to improve my gut health as my diet is shocking, try and lower my sugar intake, try and work out what’s causing me so much pain. I’m just sick of living like this and feeling so unwell all the time. I’m fed up of being poorly!

Can I ask why you couldn't complete the colonscopy? Was it the prep? I have them every 3 months at the moment if you want any tips. Xx
Can I ask why you couldn't complete the colonscopy? Was it the prep? I have them every 3 months at the moment if you want any tips. Xx
I have no idea, everytime I vomit. I vomit with the prep and then the actual camera, I’ve had sedation and gas & air and I’m still so worked up that they have to give up xx
Just putting this out there.
I am a long-term IBS sufferer, whose condition is largely quiescent lately, which I attribute to taking a probiotic supplement .
I recently read about the possibilty of parasitic infection either causing IBS, of causing IBS-type symptoms wherein the sufferer gets incorrectly diagnosed. . It was interesting, if a tad stomach-churning.
Just putting this out there.
I am a long-term IBS sufferer, whose condition is largely quiescent lately, which I attribute to taking a probiotic supplement .
I recently read about the possibilty of parasitic infection either causing IBS, of causing IBS-type symptoms wherein the sufferer gets incorrectly diagnosed. . It was interesting, if a tad stomach-churning.

I’ve been reading up on parasites too and the effects they can have on your gut, which is why I’ve been looking into Gut Health - I just don’t really know where to begin!?
I need help, I have been back and forwards to the doctors for years now with on going stomach issues, brain fog, fatigue and generally being run down. I was diagnosed with pernicious anaemia in 2011 following the birth of my daughter & I’m prescribed B12 injections as I can’t absorb the B vitamin in my gut. Prior to lockdown they wanted to test me for coeliac by taking a biopsy of my gut (I attempted the camera twice and couldn’t do it) during lockdown my consultant advised all medical procedures like that had stopped and they were diagnosing via two blood tests. I had them and both tested positive. He then wanted a repeat and this one came back normal (prior to this second round I was very unwell and was eating hardly anything - I don’t feel like the results were acccurate) I followed up with a 3rd 6 months later and again tested positive. This wasn’t enough for a clear diagnosis, however i was given a prescription for gluten free products & referred to the dietitian (who I see every 6 months and still do) I was unable to stick to a gluten free diet. Early last year my consultant got back in touch & said they now have a camera you can swallow and it’ll take 80,000 images of your gut and that will help diagnose. I was unable to complete the prep or swallow the camera so I remain in limbo. I’m very aware of the damage I’m doing to my body but also just terrified. I suffer terribly with heart burn/acid reflux which I’m medicated for, I have episodes of extreme nausea, bloating, dizziness, brain fog, diarrhoea but also anxiety too. I so far haven’t pin pointed any foods that trigger me - it can happen at anytime (usually night) it’s extreme pains, I can’t sleep, usually a hot water or a bath is needed. It means I have quiet a bit of time off work & im now anxious about going out to eat. I don’t know what I hope to achieve from this post so thank you for reading it all. I dunno if I need to improve my gut health as my diet is shocking, try and lower my sugar intake, try and work out what’s causing me so much pain. I’m just sick of living like this and feeling so unwell all the time. I’m fed up of being poorly!
So sorry to hear you are struggling with all this, it really takes it out of you doesn't it!

You mentioned the initial blood tests and the third round came up as positive for Coeliac disease - I would definitely try out a completely GF diet for 4 weeks solid to see if you notice a marked difference in symptoms? Completely understand how difficult a diet change like that can be, if you have the time/energy I'd suggest doing a big meal prep of lunches and dinner on a Sunday maybe so you don't have to think about it during the week. What other difficulties did you find with the diet?

Wish I could give you an easy answer, I'm also struggling with unusual symptoms and all tests are coming back normal so I know how frustrating it is :( Look after yourself and try and get as much sleep/rest as you can manage.
I had Hyplori (helicobater pylori) diagnosed initially from a stool sample after my stomach pains changed & i seen a doctor recently who swore by improving the gut health. I’ve looked into it but there’s so much information out there it’s a mind field. And I’m very skeptical of online paid ADs so unsure if products are actually worth it or not!
I had Hyplori (helicobater pylori) diagnosed initially from a stool sample after my stomach pains changed & i seen a doctor recently who swore by improving the gut health. I’ve looked into it but there’s so much information out there it’s a mind field. And I’m very skeptical of online paid ADs so unsure if products are actually worth it or not!

I agree - that’s why I’ve been trying to look all over but as you said it’s a complete minefield! I’m debating a plant based diet… or a Mediterranean diet, but again the books you can get for that are very old school! I looked into Anti-inflammatory diet too! I just don’t know really where to begin with it all!
I have no idea, everytime I vomit. I vomit with the prep and then the actual camera, I’ve had sedation and gas & air and I’m still so worked up that they have to give up xx

That's hard. I would suggest speaking to them about your concerns. Ask them to just knock you out completely and if you can't stomache the prep they can still do it but will just hoover it out as they go along (they've done this with me). Don't give up. There is a way around it.
I have no idea, everytime I vomit. I vomit with the prep and then the actual camera, I’ve had sedation and gas & air and I’m still so worked up that they have to give up xx
Would it be possible to take a short course of a benzodiazepine or something similar in the lead up to a procedure just to try and relax you a bit? I’ve never had an endoscopy or colonoscopy but I feel like I would really struggle with either of these too!
Just putting this out there.
I am a long-term IBS sufferer, whose condition is largely quiescent lately, which I attribute to taking a probiotic supplement .
I recently read about the possibilty of parasitic infection either causing IBS, of causing IBS-type symptoms wherein the sufferer gets incorrectly diagnosed. . It was interesting, if a tad stomach-churning.

Interesting! My guts haven’t been good for many years (went alongside when my anxiety started to flare up) but since I had E. coli last year they’ve definitely been worse. May I ask what probiotic you’re taking? I’ve been taking one, which I ramped up ahead of going to the country I ended up getting E. coli from anyway, but I am not convinced it makes me better, I just also don’t think it makes me worse if that makes any sense.
Has anyone with Crohn’s/IBD had any issues with their lips? I’ve not flared for 12 years since surgery and over the past year I’ve had soo many issues with my lips that started when I was pregnant with my second. They start by getting itchy, then go red and inflamed. Sometimes they have loads of little bumps on and they become really swollen. Recently I’ve had two bad flare ups of it where my lips have even oozed yellow fluid 🫣 steroids bring it down but I can’t keep taking them when it just keeps coming back. Also have angular cheilitis at the minute on top of everything else. I’m not sure if it’s Crohn’s related or something else entirely.
I’ve really noticed my body doesn’t cope with Processed foods - just had a McDonalds for lunch and within 10mins of finishing I have a real urgency to go and soft stools!

edit to add; diarrhoea 😫
Has anyone with Crohn’s/IBD had any issues with their lips? I’ve not flared for 12 years since surgery and over the past year I’ve had soo many issues with my lips that started when I was pregnant with my second. They start by getting itchy, then go red and inflamed. Sometimes they have loads of little bumps on and they become really swollen. Recently I’ve had two bad flare ups of it where my lips have even oozed yellow fluid 🫣 steroids bring it down but I can’t keep taking them when it just keeps coming back. Also have angular cheilitis at the minute on top of everything else. I’m not sure if it’s Crohn’s related or something else entirely.
When I flare, I always sores on my lips and ulcers in my mouth - they always say Crohns can show itself anywhere in your body!!
Just thought I’d give a quick update. To recap, I posted about a month ago after years of being unable to get a coeliac diagnosis due to not being able to tolerate the camera, yet the majority of my bloods (all apart from 1 test) have been positive. I attended the doctors yesterday about a different issue, to be immediately dismissed as, in the doctors words; “I’m diagnosed coeliac, yet not following a gluten free diet” ☠️ honestly I can not deal with the picking and choosing when it’s relevant to them and when it’s not. I’ve now got the ball rolling for a bone scan due to my arthritis at only 30 years old & having further tests on my pancreas.
Just thought I’d give a quick update. To recap, I posted about a month ago after years of being unable to get a coeliac diagnosis due to not being able to tolerate the camera, yet the majority of my bloods (all apart from 1 test) have been positive. I attended the doctors yesterday about a different issue, to be immediately dismissed as, in the doctors words; “I’m diagnosed coeliac, yet not following a gluten free diet” ☠ honestly I can not deal with the picking and choosing when it’s relevant to them and when it’s not. I’ve now got the ball rolling for a bone scan due to my arthritis at only 30 years old & having further tests on my pancreas.
Can I ask why you can’t go GF diet? There’s a lot of alternatives out there now, I know doctors dismissing symptoms is very frustrating so feel for you there.
Had a routine MRI earlier this year. Had a letter last week telling me I have a Fibrotic Stricture near Terminal Ilium, and if I get pain after eating, I should consider a low residue diet. Anyone had imminent issues after having a similar MRI result?

On the plus side, the SC Infliximab is working really well, 3 jabs in and no degradation of how it works for me