IamSarahjay #15 You've sung more goodbyes and goodnights than the Von Trapp children

Middle class 🤣🤣🤣

The only reason I ended up over here was because I’m an actually disabled single mother of an actually disabled child, living a reluctant welfare-funded existence, and absolutely pig sick of people like Sarah perpetuating the stereotype that I have wound up so unjustly associated with.

I want to work. I tried to work. I even tried to freelance instead when I was letting my colleagues down so frequently. Unfortunately the sporadic hours I could muster didn’t pay the bills and my family ended up in that “poverty” Sarah likes to cosplay as she jumps in a taxi to pop round the corner to buy Echo Falls and multipacks of Boost bars for the boys as a small healthy snack before their Chinese takeaway arrives. I’ve never known her to claim to be cold and hungry and not have sanny-pads to bleed on, have you? Quite the opposite: the heating’s on full blast, her food shop budget is £600 a month and she’s got knicker-napkins aplenty! Benefits have pulled me out of poverty, they’ve been a lifeline, but I’m embarrassed that my kids are getting free school dinners, I’m not using it as a line to get myself extra pity payouts.

Tattle is an essential forum for people of all walks of life to critically analyse open accounts who are relentlessly trying to establish a following and go viral and cash in. Tattle holds those people to account, because nobody else is regulating how easily these unelected tosspots can mislead and con. Social media has given too many poisonous and self-appointed “influencers” and “advocates” a voice, hell yeah I’m going to put my two pence in.
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Sarah, there's no class differences where I live. Just western suburbs, eastern suburbs, south side surfies, northern bogans and rich cunts.

I'm here because I had to leave my job and all the luxuries it provided due to becoming seriously ill.
I have to use a food bank to get food and prescriptions sometimes because I spend more on my pets than myself, it's not their fault I'm poor and I want them to live a good long life with plenty of good quality food and in a nice, clean, quiet stress-free home.

We definitely wouldn't be friends if we met, I'd avoid you like the plague.
I find it really strange when people say “I’ve looked at tattle and reached this conclusion,” because it is such a different place depending on what threads you go on. All of us here have a different experience of the site. I really don’t think there’s one type of user.

Exactly this! And people engage with different threads for different reasons. I’ve hopped on and off a few. I find myself gravitating to the ones dissecting the influencers who feed the stigmas that I live under. So many council house renovation type influencers boiling my piss at the moment, like, you’re renting off the council and spending THOUSANDS and being gifted THOUSANDS to do up ‘affordable housing’ that someone else actually has greater need for than you now, entitled little wenches! Go buy something, free up that house for a family who can’t afford a £10k garden makeover. Sorry. Off topic, but you catch my drift!

It can be really therapeutic and validating to engage in discussion on here at times, same way it is for her there on Twitter. It’s just a different platform!
Saw this and thought of Big Saz even though she was born in 1974 so the theory falls down a bit.


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Heaven forbid that women should have opinions about things.

Bored? Nah. I have a rewarding job that pays mu quite well (job/work = alien concept to old pastichops Sazzle). Paying taxes to fund the benefits of lazy, workshy gobshites like her. Sponging is a career choice it seems.

Get a job and some self-worth woman!
Basically it's easier to demonise tattle users than engage with our arguments. Better to write people off in broad strokes than consider that your life THAT YOU CHOOSE TO TALK ALL ABOUT ONLINE may be contributing to the steep decline this country is experiencing. Tattlers teach your kids, nurse your sick, administrate your payments, cook your food. We ain't the problem.