VIP Member
Thing is the teenager involved spoke up and the police charged him with nothing. I was thinking more of the messages he'd exchanged with men (or tried to - "steady on Huw" will never leave me!) when I wrote that. I thought he was a gay man who'd been outed. Anyway, he really couldn't hide his real personality and it was shocking.(For the person who asked there were 3 messages from him basically telling me off for passing judgment) it just makes me think how it must have been dealing with/working with/living with him. Thanks for reminding me that he is in the wrong as blimey I was taken aback. Perhaps no more supportive letters to people until a few years after the incident!
Thing is you thought you were being supportive to someone who had been outed very publically. You were being nice. You were not to know what was really going on. I've been caught out like this as well in the past. It's not a nice feeling to sit on your hands and not support someone until you're 100% sure there's nothing else coming out of the woodwork, but manipulative people like HE will use that to their advantage. I'm stunned that he's back on social media.