Help I Sexted My Boss - Podcast

I haven't listened for a few months and was catching up today and have realised why it isn't working for me. Like previous posters have mentioned it's all the other people in the studio. It reminds me if Big Bang Theory - which had a really annoying laugh track on it, or the crew on I'm A Celeb who do such obvious fake laughs at everything Ant n Dec say. Its the constant gaffawing and playing to the people in the studio. In the initial days they didn't even let EPB talk until Jordan went into the jungle and then they brought him to chat with William. If they wants EPB, Stuart n Izzy and who knows who else in the studio then they need to switch their mics off. I miss the cosy chat just between them. I'd also be happy with less listeners letters (someone caught shagging a chicken in the supermarket freezer, really?!) Still love love love William n Jordan n Ben but I really hope they go back to how it was.
I stopped listening because the letters/dilemmas are just the same obviously fake crude stories for shock value. It's like a competition to send in the nastiest things and they get picked every time.
I mostly enjoyed Jordan and William talking about their lives and what was going on, but I found myself skipping through the letters part. So it was pretty pointless listening.
I am a few episodes behind so they may have mentioned this but seen nothing on their socials - they have done an advert for Walkers crisps together!

Was scrolling on phone and thought that voice sounds familiar and looked up to see Jordan and William on the tv
I’ve been on catch up and I’m a couple of weeks behind. It’s still alright but I don’t like how they play to their “audience” team of people and it’s not what it was any more 😔 debating if I want to keep listening which is sad as I’ve enjoyed it a lot over the years. Mind you there are so many other podcasts out there I could be listening to instead.
I love both of them. But I sometimes listen to old eps to fall asleep and it was just so much better before they went “viral” and with just Ben sometimes laughing in the background.
Even when Jordan fell off his chair last week, I can’t help but think that was a bit staged. Hate saying anything negative toward the podcast but it’s just not as good! 😔
Does Jordan even need to be doing the podcast anymore? I think he will burn out as he's always saying how tired he is.
Has anyone got any other podcast recommendations? I like a light hearted show to fall asleep to
The rest is entertainment is my go to podcast at the moment. Tuesday episode talks about the big entertainment stories of the week and Friday is a q&a which has been really interesting to hear about how behind the scenes of tv and media generally works

For those that like musical theatre Call to Stage is good to hear from stars of the stage

Help… is my back up when I have run out of others which wasnt the case a year ago

Now I commute less with working from home I do listen to podcasts less as it is only when I am travelling to and from work that I listen to them