VIP Member
I'm baffled and yet intrigued by this.
16.1. There were several draughts of the letter....
I've believed this from the get-go. It stands to reason that one doesn't just sit down and bang out an important missive without tweaking it, erasing things, adding things, choosing a more suitable word here or there. Today proved it for me when megamouth's team said she ended the letter with some hippy-dippy wokey guff about " "If you love me, as you tell the press you do, please stop. Please allow us to live our lives in peace.I ask for nothing other than peace. And I wish the same for you.” Yet the MOS/Thomas version ended with something rather more robust. I forget what it was and I might be misremembering but I thought it was a bit more "duck off".
Maybe the version released to the lawyers was sanitised somewhat, while the one sent was more harsh.
Anyway the sugars are creaming their panties claiming "We knowed it !!!! Dose cuntz a' da Buck palace leeked da leter 2 da pres"
Not sure how they came to that conclusion. Time will tell.
Our resident Murican mentioned megatwats see through skirt, which I had never seen. So I googled it.
Holy duck . Luckily she was wearing her Bridget Jones big pants that day.
Bridget Jones big pants. LOL!!!! Hilarious!!! Great find -- and great analysis. Also thank you for hleping our resident sugar understand the concept of "public nudity" by his/her kween. This asn't a skirt - this was a blue veil merching her Spanx. Funny how she seems to actually be wearing not one but TWO pairs of spanx. A black pair over a light beige biker short pair. I will not comment on the irony of that colour combo - but it certainly made it super easy to see through the blue gauze
The lawyers have got to be pulling her up on this. it is a breach of a direct order by the judge.I see from the court documents that she still hasn’t disclosed her texts etc. Stalling until the outcome of the summary request.
I do know that lawyers here (for some reason) are worried about looking petty, childish, snitchy if they point out errors of the opposing team (let's call them team A), just for the sake of pointing it out. However, Team B putting the "cmplaint" it in context of how it the Team A's breach is compromising Team B's ability to do their work properly,.... that is allowed. Apparently, otherwise is suggests that Team B is calling the judge out for not doing his / her job.
This GIF No way did she ever have any intention of fulfilling public duties. I've never known a person whose micro-expressions say so much.
OMG can you imagine having and audience with her and knowing that she was a passive aggressive Walter Mitty phoney, you start talking total incoherent nonsense... or better yet, start rattling off some really fabulous cringe quotes
and we bring our OWN cameras and capture every hilarious micro-expression
fantastic.... although perhaps "at the Soho, Soho Banana" might really set up our megsy's CV in all iits full fruity delightShe could have said 'my half sister'...
This is bleeping brilliant!
Ah the famous "magical boobs", she really doesn't need to dress up for Halloween does she!!
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