Interesting link and thoughts around Eugenie. Sad if there is any type of threat or bribery.
. Both York girls despite the awful personal press over the years not to mention the shame each of their parents brought appear to be lovely young women.
I think that Megsy did have a Sandringham Christmas, prior to marriage. Breaking with tradition no invites unless married. (though I'm still of the opinion there was some kind of marriage in Africa). There were also invites to Balmoral too, in 2019 they said no as rentachild Archie was still small 'for travelling', instead she sloped to US for tennis without her child. The next Christmas there were rumours of some of the Royal family not feeling as relaxed in the company of the Sussex family for Sandringham. I'm just thinking, I don't think they'd ever have stayed with family 'with child '....