Chatty Member
That professor person blocked me too - bearing in mind on twitter I'm a professional photographer, I only ever tweet about projects or events I'm working on. I've never once commented on Smeg or anything political at all - I do follow Murky Meg though, maybe that's it?Hello new person.
First world problems eh?
That bleep who was begging for receipts re smeggy's cost to us tax payers is a professor who has weird subjects, something about money but with
weird wording. Business management and economics are becoming so last century darling.
I remember photographing a high - profile event a while ago with GM Mayor - the Mayor's Twitter account tweeted the photos & tagged me (as they were great pics obvs )
Both the GM Mayor's official account as well as his personal account thread got trolled by Sugars complaining that GM Mayors office have chosen a photographer who preached racist hate & they would like to lodge an official complaint for using public money to hire such a shameful photographer.
The government Advisor that had booked me sent me screen shots and asked me to explain it! All I'd done was follow murky meg - that's how utterly rabid the sugars are. The Mayors office have not asked me to photograph any more events since then thanks to those what freda says!! The event was months earlier so they must have really trawled the twitterverse to be able to track one of my jobs. Just for following murky meg - so imagine the abuse she must get!