So in effect, what they are actually saying here is that they only want published what they deem is important and shows them in a favourable light.
What they don’t get is the media is like a disapproving parent and will call you out on your
tit behaviour. When you tow a socially acceptable line, as done by W&K, your parent will approve and reward you accordingly with favourable press. When you behave like a pair of over-inflated egotistical twunts, the parent will chastise you and make you look like the idiots you actually are. It’s no good crying over the fact that the majority of sane thinking humans who can see what arseholes you are disapprove of your actions.
I’ve just come to the conclusion that these two are now just a lost cause. They are never going to see the flip side of the coin. They are right, everyone else is wrong. We see right through them and don’t like what we see. They look in the mirror and see two perfect souls just trying to do the best for everyone in their delusional little bubble. That
witch is dragging him down to her level and he is willingly tagging along.
Bring it on tabloids. Can’t wait to see how this pans out