VIP Member
Not being funny but 23 is still young.. I'm 22 and half way through my second degree, I live at home with my parents and almost all of my friends do too, I'm not ashamed of it, and neither are any of us, moving out is SO expensive, almost none of my friends are in long term relationships/moving out with boyfriends/girlfriends, the last year many of us have lost jobs etc., or have casual jobs because the job market has changed so much recently. I, personally, don't plan on moving out just to rent - I don't want to be putting money into the pocket of a landlord when I could live at home and save for a deposit on a house/earn towards a mortgage etc. It doesn't make you childish to live at home, or babied or anything, it most likely means you're saving to move out and purchase somewhere, rather than basically washing money down the drain and renting, and paying somebody else's mortgage
I envy you lol. I moved out from home when I was 22 and have since spent roughly £56k on rent. It's actually vomit inducing. I could never have stayed at home because I have a poor relationship with my family & also because I wanted to live with my long term partner, but still. It's hideous. Then you fall into the trap where I would pay less on a mortgage, but I can't get one because I never have enough money left to save for a deposit, so it's a perpetual cycle of paying into someone else's pocket.
However, I don't get this vibe with Grace lol, maybe she is saving up behind the scene, but I can't imagine her even having a boyfriend yet nevermind living on her own. She seems this weird combo of SO much younger than her years but also SO much older hahahaha.