God she does my head in. We do zoom calls all the time because we have actual jobs and that means being a professional adult?
Did I enjoy zoom calls at the start of the pandemic? No. Still don’t really.
Did I get on and do them anyways in order to get my work done, and not manage not to complain about it online? Yes
“How do people do Zooms all the time?” Ummm because I value my job and that’s part of my responsibility currently.
FFS you can really tell she has no idea about real life. Here was my day yesterday:
- Get up at 5:30am, 15 min workout + have a shower, scroll on the internet, read newspapers, watch
- 6:30am Wake up the youngest kids
- Make breakfast for the youngest ones
- Wake older kids
- Take small kids and dogs for a run
- Have breakfast with the older kids
- Log into work and quickly check out which patients I have to call later
- Go through home school schedule with the older kids (secondary school they can do most of it themselves)
- Set small kids up with some art or TV so I can hop on a work Zoom meeting at 8am whilst the older ones shower
- Make sure I’m present in the room when all of the kids log into school registration online (required for safeguarding by most schools now)
- Check which activities the children have to do for home school and get out the appropriate supplies.
- 9:30-12 juggle phoning patients for after care after discharge and making sure children are ok and keeping up + helping them (also a bit of doom scrolling on here whilst waiting on waiting for work pages to load)
- 12:30 make younger kids some lunch and sit down with them, put some food in the fridge for the older kids who eat a bit later
- 1pm get kids to run around in the garden and whilst they are doing that try to clean the kitchen, the bathroom and push the vacuum around.
-1:30pm another zoom call + also being present for afternoon registration for safeguarding, followed by phoning colleagues and catching up on paperwork + checking what the kids are doing re school work, stopping them fighting/messing around
- 2pm Amazon knock on the door which should be simple but I’ve got a house full of dogs and kids who use this as an excuse to go wild and stop what they are doing, so I have to calm them down and round them up.
- 2:30pm back fo work recording path lab and phoning patients who have time sensitive results.
- 3:30pm make fruit snacks for kids and make a start on dinner
- 3:45pm back to pathology work
- 4:30pm dinner for the smallest kids and checking school work for older kids
- 5pm stick some laundry on
- spend some time playing with kids and dogs
- feed dogs
- 6pm bath time for smaller kids
-6:30pm start the process of calming the smaller kids down and getting them off to sleep for 7
- 7:30pm dinner with older kids
- watch some telly with the older kids whilst depositing the younger kids back to bed as they come downstairs, all whilst finishing some work
- Put washing in dryer
- clean kitchen and stack dishwasher properly (the younger kids do it as a chore and never get it right
) with older kids
- Edit online supermarket shop
- Pay bills online
- Bit more work for 30 mins or so
- fold washing whilst phoning MIL
- half an hour of yoga
- chill out in front of telly, mostly staring at my phone.
And that doesn’t seem much different to most people I know currently. SO STFU Gabby.
Tonight my husband is able to come home for the first time this year! CELEBRATING