I haven’t stopped thinking about gabby singing to herself in the toilet cubicle all day. Help. How do I stop thinking about this
What do you think she was singing?
In my head it's, "On my ewn, pretending he's beside me"
I haven’t stopped thinking about gabby singing to herself in the toilet cubicle all day. Help. How do I stop thinking about this
All alone in the mewn lite
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memoryyyyy
Live again *dramatic deep sigh sad turn of head look to distance and snap selfie*
OMG I'm cryingI am sixteen
Going on seventeen
Singing this on the loo
People may think I'm weird and I stink
But they don't sing while they poo
The Loosical I'm screamingI'd love to see her do a one-woman show set in a toilet cubicle singing all these songs. PLEASE GAB. Or I will perform it in court, if that's okay.
I call it Bl0cked! The Loosical
The sun'll come out tewmorrew
Better put on twitter
All my sorrew
I hate sun
Just thinking about tewmorrew
Anti summer retweets I will borrew
Spoil your fun
Can’t believe a word that comes out of that woman’s mouth. Every op and procedure she’s had has gone wrong or she’s had complications afterwards. Sure, it’s pretty common to have post-op complications, but every single time? Come on! It’s bullshit. She had the worst anaemia the doc had ever seen after lipo, and she nearly died and had two blood transfusions. Sure Jan. Her deviated septum surgery took weeks and weeks to recover from and she needed repeat antiobiotics. Sure Jan. And all the other times, I can’t be bothered to list. She’s a bleeping liar.In her botched surgery video she says she got infection and that was 2 years ago. You'd think that she'd learn by now how to take care of wounds after her 20th surgery? So it is another lie for sympathy?
I think gp surgery’s do sometimes see people from out of area if it is urgent. I just know that because my mother in law came to stay and she went to mineIs she still registered with her doctors up north or is she back in Brighton? Because as far as i'm aware you can only be registered with one doctors practice. She really does just do whatever the duck she wants.
She's probably been stuffing ham in her incision thinking it has magical healing properties.
It's not in my head constantly but I'm thinking of her doing it in that overacting way she did in this cringe fest